At Filipsborg, we live with and by nature’s experiences and do our best to reduce our climate footprint. We see environmental work as an ongoing process, with gradual improvements.

We have three strategies for our environmental work: 1) reduce resource consumption, 2) recycle as much as possible and 3) choose environmentally friendly alternatives.

When it comes to recycling materials, Sweden is far ahead. We sort our waste for recycling into the fractions glass, paper/cardboard, plastic, metal, compostable and combustible. Sweden on average recycles 93 percent of all glass packaging and 84 percent of PET bottles and 75 percent of all paper packaging.

In our vehicles, we use environmentally friendly fuel whenever possible, we drive cars on HVO100, for example, which is a renewable diesel that reduces CO2 emissions by 90 percent. Our snowmobiles are to a large extent fuel-efficient 4-stroke models with very low emissions.

An important part of environmental adaptation is the electricity we consume. It is produced in northern Sweden and is almost 100 percent generated by hydropower and wind power. We make active choices of electricity supplier to consume environmentally friendly electricity. It is also important that we try to reduce our electricity consumption, especially during the coldest days of the year, in order to reduce the need for oil and coal power in the electricity system as a whole. The light bulbs we use are based more or less exclusively on the energy-efficient LED technology.

We prioritize local and small-scale suppliers with a sustainable way of working.

When it comes to what we eat and serve we prioritize products from northern agriculture, which are characterized by low use of plant protection products and minimal use of antibiotics and, of course, reduced need for transport.

When animals are involved in the activities, for example reindeer safaris or sled dog trips, animal welfare is a high priority. We ourselves are an active part in the local reindeer herding and work within the local Sami community, together with other reindeer owners, for the good of the reindeer. We place high demands on our sled dog drivers and companies.

Detergents used must, as far as possible, have an eco-label.

During the vegetation period, we allow green areas to alternately grow longer to benefit flowering plants and thereby our vital pollinating insects; bees and bumblebees as well as butterflies, flies and some beetles. We refrain from fertilizing the green areas, as nutrient-poor and flower-rich soils are areas that are particularly important for pollinators.

If you have tips and ideas on how we can improve our environmental work, we are happy to receive them.

Örjan Pekka
Managing director/owner Filipsborg